Friday, June 11, 2021

 Late Spring



The bliss of quiet today,

a strange absence of motors,

of any man-made sounds.

certainly not silence.

This haven has its own


the chortle of willful squirrels,

the piccolo explorations 

of hatchlings.

under the pomegranate tree,

each red flower trembles,


with the hum 

of laboring bees. 


Spring is shorter now,

warm enough for the wine-colored sweet peas

to blossom, to stretch their tendrils blindly

towards the nearby verbena,

to cling, to climb, to scent the air then suddenly 

too hot for them to flourish.


Yet right now, 

there is a type of 


The peace heightening even

the gentle jangle of

the dogs tags

as they circle & tamp the ground,

prepare to rest.


So still, 

I imagine I can hear

the blue hammock swaying in a breeze-

Imagine I can lie there, long enough to witness

the moon waning,

a crescent so fine,

thinner even than spiders thread or

strand of hair.

A new moon, 

one that almost disappears,


into all that dark.