Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The birds around my house are starting to hunt for nesting materials and the ones not at that stage are singing their hearts out (the males) trying to impress a potential mate. I always think the males in the human kingdom could learn a lot from birds: the singing, the beautiful plumage....the effort. It is a magnificent sight to see the male hummingbirds soar high in the Spring, then just dive down full speed at the exact angle that best shows off the sunlight illuminating the red plumage at their throats, all to wow the females.  Or the redwing blackbirds with their epaulets in full flame and fluff trilling out their liquid song in the cattails. All this color and song and courtship is a giddy thing. 

For the birds that are at the nesting phase, I put out lint from my dryer screen or hair from my hairbrushes, draping the soft stuff in branches for them to find. I collect abandoned nests and find the practical beauty of them a marvel. The goal appears to be strength and coziness. I have seen them lines with everything from pussywillow buds to horsehair. I love that hummingbirds start gathering spiderwebs for their tiny nests because they are not only strong and soft but will expand at the babies grow! Even now, looking out the window by my desk where I am tugged outside instead of staying put and writing, I can see the birds, brighter than usual, busy and beautiful.

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